What comes after the Camino: 5 Symbols #3 Bandage
#3 Bandages Blisters, wounds, sprains. Nobody is free from pain on the Camino. Sooner or later our body pays the price and we may have...

What Comes after the Camino: 5 Symbols #2 Back Pack
When we were at home it didn't seem to matter what we put in our backpack. Now, that we have to carry it we realize how much everything...

What comes after the Camino: 5 Symbols #1 Yellow Arrow
#1 Yellow Arrow The arrow shows us the Camino path. If it weren't for this, many times we wouldn't know where to go. Whenever we find...

Camino: Day 3
On the Camino you can walk on behalf of others. Today I walked for my family Kelly, Kathleen and Victoria. Tradition is to carry a stone...

Camino: Day 2
Another beautiful Camino day in Trabadello Spain walked 18k again. I walked barefoot as our host Sue Kenneth walks this barefoot in...

Camino: Day 1
My spirit was soaring walking through the country side of Cacabelos Spain. We Walked 16k on the Camino today. #CaminodeSantiago #Camino

Madrid, Spain
This was our second day sight seeing in Madrid Spain. #Spain #Madrid

Buen Camino!!
Buen Camino!! For my 50th Birthday present I am going to Spain with my BFF, Jamee, to walk the Camino de Santiago. I leave on Wednesday....

Moment of Grace
What are you trying to cut off? God is dealing with me about my writing assignment. I want to look up scripture and word definitions, and...

The Journey is the Reward
Learning how to trust God's word/voice is like dancing on the edge of a mountain. It is the first step in your journey. The top freerider...