“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name;
you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1
The Early Years: 1965-1991
The Lost Years: 1991 - 1995
The Marginal Years: 1995 - 2005
Rich Marshall - Springs of Life Fellowship - Sunnyvale, CA
Michael Brodeur - Promiseland Fellowship - San Francisco, CA
The Restorative Years: 2005-
Charlie Brown - Vineyard Church - San Carlos, CA
Mark Nunn - Fully Alive Community Church - Redwood City, CA
Aglow International - Carolyn Suty
Oral Roberts University - BA in Social Work
Doris Eska - RIP - Mentor and pseudo grandmother
Wednesday Night Women's Bible Study Table (2009-present)
Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study Home Group (2004-2008)
But now, this is what the Lord says—
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name;
you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1
My name is Alycia, it means truth. When I was young I didn't like my name, I wanted it to be my mom's name, Kathleen, so that's what I told people when I was five years old. I was raised in the church. I truly desired a relationship with God, but I gave up because I never felt good enough. I always felt condemned and that I did not have a place to belong, at church or at home - I believed a lie. In my teenage years into adulthood I had issues with cutting, suicide attempts, anorexia/bulemia, cigarettes, alcohol, drug experimenting, immorality, divorce, educational acheivements, miscarriages, social climbing, living in the future, living in the past... going to church, I most always went to church. I had finally had enough of myself, nothing was getting me out of the pain I was running from. Feeling broken, crushed, and hard hearted, I READ MORE
FAITH... AN EXTREME SPORT: Run your race, allow your name to glorify his name
THE NAME THING: Learn who he has named you
EXPLORE: The wonderful gifts and characteristics he has placed into you
NOW WHAT: Enjoy His presence in you and listen to him speaking over you
WORK IT OUT: Run the race by loving the process of becoming who he has created you to be
JUMP: Into all he has predestined for you
GOD MOMENTS: Along the way you will experience amazing, intimate moments which will shape and mold you into the special person you are