“Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you through prophecy with the laying on of hands by...Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.”
1 Tim 4:14-15
Everything about the Lord is relational. He desires to be close to you. Abide in him as he abides in you. Listen to his words, let them wash over, restore, and rejuvenate you. Take your time. Meditate on the words the Lord is speaking to you. Drink them in, memorize them, and soak in his presence.

"Soaking prayer is a time to seek the Lord. The key is to be in a safe, comfortable place where you can open yourself up and spend quality time with your Heavenly Father. This helps you to quiet your soul, draw near to God, and listen to His voice." By Craig von Buseck Choose the Picture that most resonates with you and listen
The Holy Spirit has a gift for you, the power of him working through you is astounding. He desires to guide, direct and be in close fellowship with you. He keeps life exciting. He makes the word of God Alive, the Presence of God Alive in you, and enables you to do the work he has given you to do. He will have you living like an extreme sport... FAES-It.
Choose how you desire to Learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
Ask and Recieve the Gift the Holy Spirit,
then Worship him with Abbalongtoyou
Joyce Meyer
booklet on
Holy Spirit
Reinhard Bonnke
Speaking of
Baptism of the
Holy Spirit
Cindy Jacobs Asking the Holy Spirit for his Gift