God Moments Away
“Though the fig tree does not blossom and there be no fruit on the vines…I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength and he has made my feet like hinds feet and makes me walk on high places.” Hab 3:17
I closed my eyes with joy rising up and bursting out of my soul. Light leaping out of my heart, song bursting up from my spirit, I heard the words,
“Standing on the edge of the precipice of Gods great goodness,”
and this is what I saw:
I was in the high desert, yards and moments away from the “precipice of all God has prepared for me.” I am physically God moments away from knowing the specific call he has for my life.
I walked the length it took to complete the journey to the edge of “prepared for you.” I came up to the vastness of the Grand Canyon. I breathed in its beauty and majesty; its length and breadth and width. Farther and greater than my eyes could consider.
I looked back from where I came; an immense desert full of Gods great love for me. As I turn from this desert bluff, the desolate desert land behind me

is full of color, contour and depth, an impressionistic painting. I was no longer desolate or dirty. God in his mystery had made my desert beautiful.

I stood gazing at what lie behind. Then, in my panoramic vision, I turned to behold the scope of the canyon before me. The joy flooding my soul made me want to leap. In that moment I made the decision to jump,

the Lord’s hand came up from the canyon floor. The vastness of his hand overshadowed the entire chasm and beyond. We began our descent in his hand; from the top of the great desert bluff, down into the valley world, far far away.
The Lord and I have a long descent into “the things he has prepared for me.” This time my descent will be in the palm of his hand, as opposed to under Satan’s feet. Today, I am God moments away from all the things he has prepared.
The Dream Giver is revealing his dream.