The Righteous Highway
I was out walking this morning and you came to mind. I started praying for you and I want to tell you:
“I see you. I see all that you are doing.” (Gen 16:13)
Then I saw you walking on a path. And, there were boulders on the path, here and there. You didn’t navigate between them; you stopped to pick them up. As you picked the boulder up it became light as a feather. And, Jesus was there; walking above and to the side of you, and he was taking the boulders from you. (Mt 11:30)
You don’t have to carry these burdens. You go about doing good.

In faith you walk my path and go to the places I send you.
You are not afraid to go to the hard and heavy places.
You KNOW me. You KNOW I AM with you. I carry these burdens.
Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations. Isaiah 62:10
The bible speaks of a righteous highway. The priests had a special “righteous” pathway between the synagogues.God turns our paths into a highway. The Lord is hastening the time of the righteous to do good and show others his path.
God is using you to prepare the way for the people, building up the highway, by removing the stones.
The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth.
Isaiah 26:7