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Letting Jesus into Every Room of your Heart

In one of my by bible study assignments I was to get alone with God for a half hour, walk, praise him for who he is, and listen. Then, I was to write about my experience. So, I went to the YMCA…

I was walking on the treadmill thanking God for all he has done in our lives, giving us children, providing a home, deliverance from addictions, restoration of relationships etc. I began pondering the thought/scripture, “I stand at the door knocking He who opens the door, I will enter and sup with him.” (Rev 3:20). My comments to this verse, were: Jesus is knocking at the door; I need to invite him in; which room do you let him in to?

I pondered how I have opened so many doors of my heart to Jesus over the past several years, many with difficulty and pain. I remember a few doors we initially had to walk past because of my shame and embarrassment. I just could not bear going in to certain rooms, I would start to reach for the handle, hang my head in sorrow and move on. Eventually we made our way through these rooms.

Now, I wondered, if He comes in are there more areas to clean up? So, in my minds eye, I invited Him into each room of our physical house. I thought, “The front room should be safe, nothing to hide in here.” Well, the TV is there, how’s that going? What am I watching? I no longer watch the death or gossip shows.

I invite Him into the kitchen. Safe, right? What about my eating habits and how I feed my family and spend my grocery money? I’ve kept 10 pounds off for 8 months and Kelly loves salad and the girls like zucchini.

The girls room…what about my parenting and patience? I was stuck at the “Love is patient” scripture for a year and a half. Now, I give my children a half hour, instead of 5 minutes to get ready in the morning. The screaming is minimal now.

I invite him into the den…what’s on the computer? How am I handling money? What am I surfing on the web? I have learned self-control at Costco and Target, I am careful of my time and what I view on the internet.

How about the master bedroom? I would have to look at our marriage and intimacy with my husband. We went to counseling and I have invited Jesus into the bedroom.

The phone is in the house…who am I talking to and what am I talking about? I am careful not to “share”/gossip, this only distracts me from looking at my problems.

There is also a hallway in my house where I have a wall of family photographs. To this date each relationship has been dealt with from my end. I have asked forgiveness and given forgiveness. I have face-to-face apologized for my part, and accepted responsibility for my actions, or lack thereof, with several of my family members this past year. I did this one afraid and found peace on the other side.

When I was young, in my mind, I lived in the future. When I was older, for several years, I longed for my past “party” days. In the moments of those yesteryears I was opening doors to destruction and pain, then slamming them shut, and sealing them tight. With each slam of the door I became a little more dead inside.

Before I took the Lord into my house, I usually left him on the porch with friends and family. I did not want to be left alone with him. I felt like I was going to be in trouble and condemned for the rough shape my house was in.

I believe the Lord took me through my house today. He showed me I have allowed him into every room of my heart and we have made HUGE progress, not perfection. Because of this I LIVE TODAY!!! I AM ALIVE IN CHRIST!!!

I weep in gratitude with overwhelming thanksgiving Jesus was willing to come to my house. He was willing to come in and not only help me clean up the broken glass, dust, filth and grime. He did ALL the hard work. He knows what to throw away, what to give away, what to keep, what to fix, where to put things, and how it is best displayed. As David wrote, “this knowledge is too wonderful for me.”

I knew this moment existed. I’ve been waiting my whole life to experience this moment of intimacy with Jesus…at his feet, face to the floor, tears shed at Your amazing grace for me. He truly, overwhelmingly loves me. My message to you…Jesus loves you!!!! JESUS MADLY, PASSIONATELY LOVES YOU!!!!

Jesus loves you so much, he wants to come into every room of your heart. Let him in. He doesn’t care how your house looks. He loves you just the way you are, but he won’t leave you that way; if you let him in, to every room of your heart.

Copyright 2006

Experiencing God workbook by Henry Blackaby, Unit 3, Section 3, p 50, assignment

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