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Spiritual Gifts Test

"Make a careful EXPLORATION of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life."

Galatians 6:4-5 (Msg)

YOU WERE CREATED AS A MASTERPIECE: complicated, intricate, fascinating, unique. The voice in my head told me, "you are not good enough, you are not enough, you are too much..." on and on it went. When I took the Briggs Meyer test and found out it was okay to be quiet and still... I was so relieved. When I took the Strengh-Finder test and found out I am responsible, a learner and relational, it freed me to acknowledge these strengths and build upon them. When I forgave all who offended me and asked forgiveness from all I had offended, I found freedom on the other side. (I did these areas with fear and found peace for my soul.) When I found out my Spiritual Pathways, I was free to love the Lord how I was created to interact and experience him. As I discovered my Spiritual Gifts, I have come to find my place in the body of Christ and my purpose in life. As I have had a better understanding of parenting abused and neglected children, I have become aware of how closely our Spiritual Maturity and Development mimicks our physical and emotional development. Through these tests, I learned how to love the amazing person God created me to be! My prayer is that you would find out how AMAZING you are!!! Allow Him to lead you on the path to wholeness and Freedom!


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