The NameThing: Lenora
Lenora, your name means sun ray, shining light, compassion, and God is my light. Jesus in you shining light and compassion on other’s to show them the way to Jesus.
Lenora, God uses you with the broken, lost, and those fumbling in the darkness. You reach out with God’s love and compassion. You bring them into his light to be cleansed, burdens lifted, and into a place where darkness cannot hide and fear cannot abide. As you believe in the light, you become a child of light and live in the day. This light in you shines as a beacon to show others the Way. Jesus in you showing others God's light and compassion.

Please share with your friends named
Lenora, Nora, Elanora, Elanore, Ella, Ellie,
Nell, Noreen