TheNameThing: Laura
Laura, your name means Victory. In ancient Rome the leaves of laurel trees were used to create victors' garlands.
Jesus is your Victory; Jesus, the Victor in you, the hope of glory.
I see in you that Jesus will use you and your name to create garlands of victory for the daughters in your life. Your ministry is beautiful, gentle, not harsh or hard. Your eyes are penetrating; they see into the souls and spirits of the women he has placed in your life, to bring out the victorious living, Jesus died to give them. Don’t hold back- you do see. I believe God has given you His eyes. You are like the watchtower because He trusts you and you can see from afar. Jesus has placed a victory of garland on you, as you are victorious in your life, it will draw other to Jesus, for him to place the crown of victory upon them.