TheNameThing: Michael
Michael your name means God’s gift and Who is like God?Jesus in you shows others the gifts God has for them, as you receive them from the Lord. God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. As you receive his gift of mercy, you will give mercy. Grace, saving you through faith, is a gift from God to you; and in turn you will show other’s God’s saving grace.
Who is like this God we serve? He is majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders. He goes ahead of you to destroy, annihilate, and subdue your enemies. He rides on the heavens and the clouds to help you. He keeps his covenant of love with you, as you continue wholeheartedly in his ways. His righteousness reaches to the heavens; his might and faithfulness surround you. He sits enthroned on high, and as you are in Jesus, you are seated with him in these heavenly places. Who is like our God, who pardons your sin, forgives you, does not stay angry, but delights to show you mercy.
Michael, you are like God, as you love him wholeheartedly, and allow his gifts of mercy, faithfulness, saving grace, and forgiveness to flow to you and through you. Every good and perfect gift comes from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights, who does not change, you are such a gift. You are pleasing in his sight, you are not a burden; Michael you are a gift and a blessing to the Lord.
Ps 113:5-9; Rom 11:29-32; I Cor 7:7; Eph 2:8; Ex 15:11, Dt 9:3; Dt. 33:26; I Kings 8:23; 2 Chron 6:14; Ps 71:19;

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