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TheNameThing: Lewis

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Lewis your name means famed warrior and famous in battle.

You are a soldier in the army of God, to fight the good fight of faith, and set the captives free. You are capable because through Him you gain your strength. When you are weak, He is strong. The Holy Spirit knows the mind of Christ and as you seek him, and fill your mind with His ways, the Holy Spirit will call to rememberance all you have put into your heart.

The Lord is with you like a mighty warrior. The Lord your God is a Mighty warrior who saves, protects, and wars on behalf of the righteous. He takes great delight in you, his love for you is never ending, he rejoices over you as you conquer in battle.

As you recieve his love and forgiveness, you are a beacon and warrior on behalf of others who need to be protected and saved. As you submit to the Mighty Warrior and learn his ways, he will lead you and guide you to be a famed warrior in his kingdom ~ Selah!

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