TheNameThing: Megan

Megan your name means pearl, precious, valuable, and highly prized. You are valuable and precious to Jesus. As you walk with him, receive his love, and understand the great price he paid for you, you will show others their worth and value.
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who found one pearl of great value, sold all he had and bought it:
YOU are that pearl of great value.
You are worth Jesus life ~ you are so precious to him. You are more precious than jewels, nothing can compare to you. You are precious in his eyes and he honors you, because he loves you.
The genuineness of your faith in Christ is more precious than gold, and will be tested by fire, for the purity it holds. The beauty of a gentle, quiet spirit is very precious to the Lord. Godliness is of great value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. As you accept the Lord’s love for you and know how precious you are to him, Jesus in you will show other’s how much the Lord values and loves them. You are a highly prized gift from God.

Please share with your friends named
Margaret, Margaria, Rita, Margot,
Gretchen, Gretta, Meg, Maggie, Midge