TheNameThing: Gary
Gary your name means spear, battle, spear carrier, keeper of the watch. The Lord is your guard, who watches over you, and goes before you in battle. The spear is a weapon designed to be thrown at an enemy to pierce and penetrate a target. It was also used for long distance attacks upon the enemy. The Lord delivers you up from your enemies, with their own spear He pierces their head. No weapon formed against you will prosper. You will refute every tongue that rises up against you. As a servant of the Lord, Gary, this is your heritage and My vindication to you.
As you get wisdom, know it is better than weapons of war. The Lord opens up His heavenly arsenol of weapons to you, Gary. The God of the Heavenly Armies has work to do, destroying the enemy through you. God has given you the ability to know how to attack from afar and penetrate the target. As you hold these deadly, piercing weapons in your hand, a man wearing white linen comes up along side of you. You speak the truth; you serve in the power of God; you hold the weapon of godliness in your right hand and left hand; you have the weapon of righteousness in both of your hands.
Your struggle is not against flesh and blood, it is against the spiritual forces in heavenly realms. You fight not with weapons of this world, on the contrary, the weapons you have, they have the power to demolish strongholds. In the power of the Holy Spirit, in sincere love, in truthful speech, and in the power of God, through you I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer, then others will realize it is I who was pierced for them.
As you wield your spear, the Lord directs it, and people come into the kingdom. Jesus in you, the hope of glory!

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Gary, Gervais, Jarvis