TheNameThing: Kathleen/Kathie
Kathie your name means pure, clean, innocent, guiltless and blameless. Jesus in you creates a pure heart. The fear of the Lord is pure and endures forever. The decrees of the Lord are righteous, firm, and more precious than pure gold. Because you have allowed the Lord to cleanse your hands and purify your heart, Kathie, you may ascend to the mount of the Lord and stand in his Holy place. There you will recieve blessing from the Lord and vindication from your God and Savior.
Because your words are gracious and pure in his sight, and he loves your pure heart, you will have the King for a friend. You are truly blessed because you see God. Love is the goal and command from Christ, this comes from a pure heart, good conscience, and a sincere faith. You pursue right ways, faith, love and peace, and you call on the Lord out of a clear heart who longs to KNOW Him. Because you cleanse yourself by the washing of the word and the blood of the lamb, you are an instrument made for special purposes, you are made holy, useful to the Master, and you are prepared to do any good he calls you too. The purity of Jesus in you, draws others to the One who creates purity in their heart. Jesus in you, the hope of glory, showing others the way to purity.

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Kathie, Cathy, Kathleen,
Kathryn, Kate, Katelyn