TheNameThing: Kirk

Kirk your name means church, dwells at the church, one who resides by the church, house of God. Jesus builds his house in you. Your body is a temple of the Living God and he dwells in you. He builds house upon the Rock. After his house is persecuted, you will enjoy a time of peace and strengthening, as you live in the fear of the Lord, you are encouraged by the Holy Spirit and you increase in faith. Because you call upon the name of our Lord Jesus, he has sanctified you and calls you to be his holy son. The Lord has made you an overseer to water first yourself, with the word of God, and then the people he has put into your life. You are a shepherd over the people in your life.
The Lord desires for his church to agree with one another, for there to be no divisions, and to be united in thought and mind. The Lord greatly desires that everything be done so that the church is built up by edifying the church through prophecy and excelling in the gifts that build the church. Jesus is over everything in the church.
God's intent through the church is that his manifold wisdom should be made known to the rulers and authority in heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose, that he accomplished through Jesus Christ our Lord. Now, Christ is head of the church, and the church submits to Christ; Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to present her radiant, holy and blameless. Christ feeds and cares for the church, this is a profound mystery. God's church is enduring; it has perseverance and faith in all it's persecutions and trials. God's household, which is the church of the Living God, is the pillar and foundation of Truth.
You have the ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches;
to, you Kirk, who is victorious,
I have given the the right to eat from the Tree of Life,
which is in the paradise of God.
Kirk, YOU, are the church! Jesus in you, displaying his divserse and multifaceted wisdom; endurance, strength, and perseverance under trial; submission to the Lordship of Jesus; and the pillar and foundation of Truth to make God's wisdom known in the heavenly realm... Selah ~ Amen!
Mt 16:18; Acts 16:5; Acts 20:28; I Cor 1:2,10; 14:4,12,26; Eph 1:22, 3:10, 5:23-25; I Tim 3:15; Rev 2:7

The meaning of your name is part of your life story and how God wants to shine through you (Phil 2:15) Your name glorifying His name,Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.
Whatever your name means can be used against you. We have an enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God named you, and the enemy knows your name, do you?
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