TheNameThing: Melissa
Melissa your name means bee, industrious, busy, made by bees, honeycomb. The bee is known for cross-pollination, bringing life to a seed. Jesus creates life in you to breathe life into others. The fear of the Lord and keeping his ways are more precious than honey from a honeycomb. They are in place to warn you, and in keeping them, the Lord has rewarded you greatly. Your words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. The Lord makes a promise to you, as you have kept his word in your heart, he takes you out of the land of misery into the land of milk and honey. As you carefully listen to him and follow his ways, he will increase you in this land of milk and honey.
Know wisdom is like honey for you, when you get it, there is a future hope for you and your hope will never be cut off. The Lords words are sweeter than honey. The Lord says to you, "It is good to receive wealth and health from God, to accept your lot in life - this is his gift to you. God keeps you busy enjoying your life so that there is no time to brood over the past." As you keep busy with the Lords work, he puts the industrious in charge.
As you have kept his ways and words in your heart and lifestyle, he has used your words to speak life and health into others. Just as Jesus breathes life into you and makes you grow and increase, Jesus in you speaks life into others, so they too can enjoy their lives and have no time to remember the past. Forget the former things, for they have passed away, for the Lord is doing a new thing in you and through you. Jesus in you creating new life in others. Ps 19:9-11; Pr 16:24; Ex 3:17; Dt 6:3; Pr 24:14; Ecc 5:20; I Kng 11:28

The meaning of your name is part of your life story and how God wants to shine through you (Phil 2:15) Your name glorifying His name,Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.
Whatever your name means can be used against you. We have an enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God named you, and the enemy knows your name, do you?
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Melissa, Mel, Malinda,
Mindy, Missy