TheNameThing: Paige

Paige your name means young servant, helper, assistant, and attendant. A page was called as a young person to be an attendant in training to become a knight and serve their soverign Lord as a mounted soldier in armor. The Holy Spirit is making you into a servant leader to attend to the sovereign Lords purposes. The Lord pours out his spirit on you, his servant. He does nothing without revealing his plan to you because you are his servant the prophet. He makes you into a signet, or signature ring. He seals you with his initials because he has chosen you and he has given you honor and authority. The Lord did not create you to please people or gain the approval of men because you are a servant of Christ being raised up to please and serve him. You are a servant of the gospel which is the gift of God's grace given to you, through the working of his power. You are not quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, and not resentful. He is thoroughly equipping you for every good work he has reserved for you to do. He has set you apart, his faithful servant, for himself; and the Lord hears you when you call on him.
The Lord promises to keep you from willful sin, to guard your life, and to bring you into joy. He does not hide his face from you, his face shines upon you, and he rescues you in times of need. The Lord is exalted and his name is lifted up by you because he delights in your well being as his servant. Jesus a servant king, sat on a white horse and was called Faithful and True. Jesus in you showing others how the power of the Holy Spirit equips you to serve him Faithfully and True.
Joel 2:29; Amos 3:7; Gal 1:10; Eph 3:7; 2 Tim 2:24; Ps 4:3, 19:13, 31:16, 34:22, 86:2, 86:4; Rev 19:11

The meaning of your name is part of your life story and how God wants to shine through you (Phil 2:15) Your name glorifying His name, Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.
Whatever your name means can be used against you. We have an enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God named you, and the enemy knows your name, do you?
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