
Jamie/Jackie your name means supplanter, held by the heel, and God protects. Jesus in you takes the struggle within and replaces it with peace and the overcoming love of God. Jesus in you is a protector. The word supplant means to remove or uproot in order to replace with something else; to take the place of through force or plotting. Jesus plotted before the world began to take the keys from the enemy. The enemy plotted to take down Jesus. But, Jesus shed his blood, gave himself up for you, took the keys of death by force, and the resurrection power of God conquered death. As as you are enlightened by this gospel of peace, through Christ, you no longer struggle with God or man, but take refuge in his name.
Your name is derived from the Hebrew word Ya'aqov, which means Jacob; in the Greek it is the name James. The New Testament book of James, was written by what Tradition refers to as St. James the Greater, which is the Patron Saint of Spain, and St. James the Lesser which was the brother of Jesus. According to Luke 1:33, the Angel of the Lord told Mary, the mother of Jesus - Yusua - would reign over the house of Jacob forever.
To fully understand your name, Genesis 25 recalls the birth of twins, Essau and Jacob, and the prophecy given prior to their delivery: "The older [Essau] will serve the younger [Jacob] and when they excited the womb Jacob came out holding his brother's heel." Hence, the name Jacob.
Jacob and Essau opposed and struggled with each other within Rebecca's womb which caused her great pain. This is a reflection of the struggle all souls bear and hearts contend with, as they struggle with God and man. Until they cry out for peace; then the love of God supplants and uproots the contention within, and the Lord replaces it with his enduring love, peace, and protection.
In Hosea, we are told, that,
"In Jacobs maturity he contended with God. Yes, he wrestled with the Angel and prevailed. Jacob wept and sought God's favor. He found the Lord at Bethel ~ this holy place ~ the house of God."
The Lord is faithful to you and will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. Discretion will protect you and understanding will guard you. The Lord will spread his protection over you because you gladly take refuge in him, and you love and rejoice in his name. The Lord answers when you are in distress; and the name of the God of Jacob will protect you. As a righteous person in Christ, you may continue to have struggles, but the Lord promises to deliver you from them all. God is your refuge and strength and your ever-present help in times of trouble. Though you walk in the midst of trouble, your God preserves your life. He stretches out his hand against those who are angry against you, with his right hand he saves you. He keeps you safe from the hand of the wicked; he protects you from the violent who devise ways to trap your feet. And, the peace of God will quickly crush Satan under your feet. When the struggles come, this is the Lord's promise to you, Psalms 121
The meaning of your name is part of your life story
and how God wants to shine through you (Phil 2:15)
Your name glorifying His name, Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.
Whatever your name means can be used against you.
We have an enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
God named you, and the enemy knows your name, do you?
Please share with friends named
Jamie, Jackie, Jacquline, Mina