Hilary your name means cheerful, hilarius, merry, gracious, giving, favorable, and propitious. Jesus in you is cheerful, gracious, giving, and favorable. When you decide to give, you do not do it reluctantly or under compulsion, you give from a cheerful place. As your heart is happy your face is cheerful, but heartache crushes your spirit. Know that a cheeful heart has a continual feast, but all of the days of the troubled are unhappy. We all have different gifts in the body of Christ according to the grace given to us; so since your name means to give, give generously, if you are to lead, lead diligently, if you are compelled to show mercy, do it cheerfully. The love you give, must be sincere, hate what is profoundly immoral (evil) and cling to what is good. For the Lord your God is gracious and compassionate. He will not turn his face from you when you return to him. The gracious hand of our God is on you when you look to him.
Our God is a forgiving God, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness. When you are lonely and afflicted, cry out to the Lord to turn to you and be gracious. Even in the darkness, light dawns because you are upright, gracious, compassionate, and righteous through Christ.
If God, who did not even spare his own son, but gave him up for you-Christ died for you-won't he also graciously give you all things? Christ was raised up to life, he is at the right hand (favored) of God, intereceding for you. Who then will separate you from the love of Christ? Shall trouble, hardship, persecution, sword, faminine, nakedness, or danger?
NO! In all things
you are more than a conqueror
through Jesus who loves you.
Jesus in you and through you is cheerful, forgiving, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love and faithfulness.

The meaning of your name is part of your life story and how God wants to shine through you (Phil 2:15) Your name glorifying His name, Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.
Whatever your name means can be used against you. We have an enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. God named you, and the enemy knows your name, do you?
Please share with friends named
Hilary, Hilaria, Elarr, Illaria