God Moment: Detox

So I have really outdone myself now! I have taken the leap and moved toward a NON-Toxic kitchen. Last Friday I threw out five garbage bags of kitchen paraphanalia. I read the one about BPA's, flipped a gasket, and started throwing out plastic-all of my new storage containers I bought last year. Then I read about lead, had a panick attack, and threw out my mother's first wedding anniversary dishes (antique), used them EVERYDAY! Then, I read about my scratched Teflon pans and appliances, yep, threw those out too. I thought I was "upcycling, recycling, and saving the environment" by holding on to the nice take out dishes; ay-yi-yi into the garbage.
After talking with my foster families, friends and family about what I was listening too, (sorry peeps, you get to hear it again) I just can't stop talking about what I am finding out. So, I am passing this on to you. If you don't want to talk about it, I respect that, I won't tell you anymore. BUT, if you DO want to talk about it, I am SUPER excited to engage that conversation with you. Here's where I started:
Letters to Cherries is my best friends blog about letters to those who have helped her along her healing journey through cancer, thyroid disease, and other toxic related issues. She was having a lot of health issues. This is her story, how she was helped, and has helped me in the process. She highly recommends the following books:
Autoimmune Disease Books:
Dr. Tom O'Bryan, The Autoimmune Fix,
Dr. Amy Myers, The Thyroid Connection
Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP, Hashimoto’s Protocol
Dr. Tom O'bryan Video's is amazing.
2. You can YouTube his name and get amazing videos on every topic.
Good Health Sites and Doctors
Dr. Axe Food is Medicine Articles and Natural remedies
Dr. Mercola Natural Health Articles
I pray health on you. See you in a few weeks,