God Moment: The Autoimmune Fix and Betrayal video series

If it wasn't for my best friends constant research to find out the "Why behind the What" I would not be blogging this entry. Jamee Schorno, you will help so many because of your relentless pursuit to Untie the Knots in our souls and our guts!
I was at lunch today and a friend of mine was missing at the table becuse she was at the Emergency Room in pain trying to figure out what was going on in her body.
She came later and sat at the other end of the table. Halfway through lunch, I hesitantly asked if she had heard about The Autoimmune Fix and the Betrayal Video series or The Truth About Cancer series. She had not. I did't know she was at the ER for gut issues, I thought it was something else. Our eyes locked and we both KNEW this was a divine appointment. I proceeded to tell her about this series.
I was at church tonight and another friend who has had cancer, NOW has gut issues. I asked, "Have you heard about these series?" She had NOT. My friend Jamee and I are PASSIONATE about getting the word out; there is something you can do about your suffering.
Below is the video series I found online at Youtube. Please consider purchasing the series to support the cause, the "Get the Word out." We have purchased these video series. I receive no monetary gain, I just want the suffering to stop for my friends, family, and people we have been running into at Whole Foods looking for help. This may not be right for everyone, but it just may help you.
All those ailments that you just stopped talking about because your doctor ran all of the tests and found "nothing" wrong with you. That was me and my friend, we just stopped trying. Then....
Betrayal Video Series Below
The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're not telling you.
Dr. Tom O'Bryan,
Betrayal Video Series by Dr. Tom O'Bryan
Episode 1:
In this episode, you learn why our bodies have betrayed us. It seems like autoimmune disease has caused us to get diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, IBS, brain disease, dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. In episode 1 we learn about ways to reverse these diseases and symptoms.
Episdoe 2:
The Leaky Gut Problem, Detection, and Diagnosis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Case Studies Of Gut Problems
Episode 3:
Microbiome, How To Restore The Good Bacteria
Episode 4:
Digestive Diseases, Inflammable Bowel Disease, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease
Episode 5:
Environmental Toxin Triggers, How To Protect Yourself And Your Family
Episode 6:
Autoimmunity and Brain Disorders: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, and Autism
Episode 7 - Final
“I Reversed Autoimmune Disease! The Emotional Stories of Those That Overcame Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Lupus, Asthma, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Chronic Fatigue, and More”
Decide for yourself on how to take care of your body.
For a review of the series check out this website
Are you interested in finding a
Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area?
Check out this website
Now what do I eat?
Perhaps you have Danielle Walker's Story -
She will help you go Against All Grain in her wonderful books
Last year for my 50th birthday, I took the journey and walked across Spain following The Way of St. James. This year, I am taking a journey, to detoxify my life, and take back my health. As Dr. Tom says, go for base hits. So far, I have not intentionally eaten sugar or gluten; the last 15 days I have not had dairy. I am taking my vitamin D (which is a hormone people), B12, magnesium. I have thrown out all of my plastic, replaced it with glass. Threw out all of my teflon and replaced it with stainless steal and iron. I have thrown out my mother's ceramic, lead, dinnerware and replace it with Fiestaware. I am learning how to cook purple carrots (who knew) and I feel ALIVE inside!!!
As they say on the Way of St. James Journey, Buen Camino!
The Betrayal video series - I am not being paid, I have no monetary benefit from informing you about this series. I just want to empower you. You make your own decision. www.faesit.com