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TheNameThing: Pam

Your Name Glorifying His Name

Pam your name means all sweet, all honey, and made from honey. Jesus in you showing others the sweet Word of the Lord. The bible says that The Fear of the Lord and keeping his decrees is sweeter than honey. It also says, the Word of the Lord is sweeter than any honeycomb. The honeycomb stores the bees offspring which begins the first phase of their cycle of life. As your words are gracious, they are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones; thus speaking life into others. Know also that Wisdom of the Lord is like honey for you; if you find it, there is a future and a hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

You will be eating in the Promised Land of milk and honey when you know enough (through wisdom) to reject the wrong and choose the right path. As you remain in this land, on the right path, you will eat of the My life giving strength of milk and honey. As I have brought you out of captivity, listen and do everything you hear Me to say; you are My daughter and I am your Lord. Remember to continually eat of my word I am giving you, it will fulfill your dreams, and it will taste like honey in your mouth. And I, the Lord, adorn you and place you in my house with honor to show others my sweet and fulfilling ways and words.

As you work in my fields, following my directions, eating and speaking my words, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet. As light is sweet and it pleases the eyes to see the sun, THIS is how Jesus will shine through you, you will be a sweet light to others as you keep your eyes focused pleasing the Son. Jesus in you showing other's the sweet life giving words of the Lord.

Psalms 19:9-11

The meaning of your name is part

of your life story and how God wants

to shine through you (Phil 2:15)

Your name glorifying His name,

Jesus in YOU the hope of glory.

Whatever your name means can

be used against you. We have an

enemy who comes to kill, steal, and

destroy. God named you,

and the enemy knows your name, do you?

Please share with friends named

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