Living as Children of Light
…in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self... be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure ..
Eph 4:22-24; Phil 2:12-13
We need to be transformed through the renewing of our mind. In my estimation everyone is trying to bypass pain. The only way out is through. There is nothing new under the sun. Jesus died to take that pain, so that we can live with Joy Unspeakable, even when we are hurting. We need a new mind-set; set your mind on things above; think on whatever is good , lovely, true... Whether you need help or are called to help...
Go ahead, Explore, and Work it Out!

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"Joyce, through you Jesus saved my life. I so devoured your teaching, someone once prophesied over me, "I sense a Joyce Meyer spirit in you." I'm forever grateful." Alycia

"Katrina hit NOLA. My husband found this news station praying for people. We've been watching & supporting ever since. I love Christian perspective on current events. Thank you so much," Alycia

"I know I can always be caught up in the spirit when I listen to IHOP. I allow the worship to flood my heart, mind and home." Alycia 24/7 on-line Streaming Prayer Room

"I am so grateful you taught me the kind intentions of the Lord. He loves me, speaks to me, and enjoys hanging out with me." Alycia We passionately believe that the Father is the most loving, intentional and generous person in the Universe. All goodness originates in Him.

"Patriarchs was my first bible study. I fell in love with the bible. My heart soared and my spirit became alive. I was transformed through THE Word as delivered through Beth Moore." Alycia

"Discerning the Voice of God was my first study with Priscilla. Her teaching style and love of Jesus, inspired me to learn to hear the voice of God for myself. You shine bright~Thank you!!" Alycia

"I never experienced someone so intimate with Jesus. I wanted what you had. The only common denominator I could see, is that you spent time at his feet, everyday. I aspired to be just like you. I got up the next morning to be with Jesus. And, I've been up every morning since, for the past 14 years. Much gratitude" Alycia Fragrant Oil Conference in Burlingame, CA.

"You set my mom on fire-Aglow. You have been praying for me since I was 15. I am a product/fruit of your ministry. I am eternally grateful!!! for the love you poured into my life." Alycia

"If everyone did a 12-step, there would be more whole people in the world. I'm grateful for the angels in my first class who bought me a book, fluttered away, and started me on a path to healing." Alycia 12-Step Program-Christian Perspective

"I am eternally thankful for the staff that prayed with my husband and I. No one heals like Jesus." Alycia There are various inner healing, counseling, and deliverance ministries provided. Anchored by the Sozo Ministry, aimed to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father.

"To my multiple counselor's... thank you for talking with me and helping me work through my losses. Your gift of listening is invaluable." Alycia Use this website to find a counselor. You can filter by Religion.

"Your ministry prayed for my father's healing from cancer. His experience during radiation, just him and Jesus, makes me jealous for that intimacy. Praise God for his healing from prostate cancer." Alycia Please watch the videos of explanation. Become certified or come and be healed.

"I saw your ministry on Joyce Meyer and was so grateful for your ministry. As a social worker, the best way to healing is through. Thank you for your vision to help young women." Alycia Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, Sex Trafficking, Phsycal & Sexual Abuse, Drug Addiction, Unplanned pregnancy

"I love how you love and provide for those who are in need. You get down and dirty - I love this ministry." Alycia Located in strategic major cities throughout the united states. They are a volunteer driven organization thats finds and fills needs in the local community.